P003 → RINGS1

Sphere collection.

Centering on the idea of a dialogue among forms, my vision for these three rings was to evoke a harmonious conversation, each echoing the other in a symphony of shapes. At the heart of this interplay lies the timeless elegance of the sphere, serving as both muse and motif.

Exploring the tactile nature of wax carving, I uncovered a fascination with the interplay of positive and negative spaces. This exploration led me to draw inspiration from three-dimensional structures and the conversations they can have with each other.

Each ring embodies a unique interpretation of the sphere's enduring appeal. From the bold statement of a solitary sphere to the intricate dance of multiple spheres in motion, they form a cohesive narrative, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the subtle nuances of form and proportion.

By allowing the purity of the sphere to shine through in its simplest and most captivating form, these rings invite appreciation for the elegance found in the subtle balance of shape and design.