Plywood, Industrial strap

Constructed from plywood, my table stands as a conversation between furniture and movement,paying homage to Paulo Pallucos' iconic 'Tankette' coffee table crafted for CDG, originally made with steel. 

In crafting my table, I intentionally sought to blur the lines between movement and design, imbuing the piece with a sense of energy even in its stillness.The result is a harmonious fusion of form and function, where the very essence of movement is captured within its design.

In essence, my table becomes more than just a static piece of furniture—it becomes a living, breathing entity that responds to the interactions of those around it. It is a testament to the seamless integration of form and function, where design transcends mere aesthetics to become an intrinsic part of everyday life.

Much like Pallucos' work, my table invites contemplation and dialogue, prompting viewers to ponder the relationship between design and sustainability. It stands as a testament to the power of conscious creation, where every curve and contour tells a story of resourcefulness and intentionality.